Your Support Means the World.
100% volunteer-powered. Every penny for the kids, every day. That’s our commitment to children in need, and our commitment to our donors like you.
Our mission is two-fold: We don’t just aim to spread joy to suffering families, but also to inspire volunteerism to make a difference. We aren’t just building up kids; we’re building up communities. Our shipping coordinators, hospital liasons, board of directors, webmasters, content managers, local leaders, and more each work out of their own homes, on their own time, for free. Unlike nearly every nonprofit our size, we have zero paid staff and no physical locations.
When you donate to The Magic Yarn Project, you can be confident that every dime of your contriubution will be used with careful stewardship. We rely completely on small donors like you to fund our shipping postage, digital operating fees, and all of our overhead costs–which also means we work hard to keep those costs as low as we can.
When you give to Magic Yarn, you’re giving the gift of imagination to children and families who need it the most.
Why make your donation recurring?
Make your Magic go farther!
Recurring donations:
- Allow us to apply more competitively for additional large-donation grants, because we are “taken seriously” as a nonprofit when we have predictable revenue streams
- Allow us to more carefully consider our long-term financial planning as an organization
- Take the hassle out of remembering that you want to continue your support
- Give you complete control over when you start, change, or stop your donation
- Are tax-deductible and come with automated receipts
- Are completely secure, backed by PayPal’s industry-leading privacy tools
Thanks to recurring donors like you, despite a global pandemic upending so many facets of our lives, we have been able to continue to provide over 2,000 wigs annually to children’s hospitals and hundreds of wigs shipped directly to individual kids. We are so grateful for your support!
Don't forget to check for an employer match!
As part of their corporate philanthropy programs, many employers will match dollars donated or even hours volunteered.
These “employer match” opportunities are an easy and effective way to stretch your donation even farther!
Checking for an employer match is easy, but it must be initiated by you, the employee. We aren’t able to apply for a match on your behalf.
Please use the button below to check for information about your company’s policies, or ask your Human Resources representative.

We make a living by what we get.
We make a life by what we give.Winston Churchill