Where Do I Send My Donations?
If you are an approved Magic Maker and you have finished wigs or character beanies to donate, you may ship them to whichever of our two donation locations is closest to you (East or West). Our Las Vegas location is the only location accepting pieces and parts (such as tiaras, starfish, or plain beanies).
- Fill out a Feedback Form and include it in your package. This will help us give you the best feedback possible if you’re looking to improve your skills, and it helps us keep track of what we’re receiving and why. View or print our Feedback Form here.
⭐ How should I package my donation?
- Unfortunately sometimes packages or boxes are damaged in transit. All donations should be placed in a zip top bag before packaging to mail.
- Completed Wigs – Please send each wig with the braid or hair tucked inside the beanie and place inside a zip top bag.
- Completed Character Beanies – Please place in a zip top bag grouped by character.
- Large Flowers – Place in a zip top bag grouped by type of flower.
- Small Rapunzel Flowers – Place in a zip top sandwich bag grouped in sets of 12 (mixed pink and purple).
- Moana Flowers – Place in a zip top sandwich bag grouped in sets of 15 (all flowers should be the same style/color).
- Leaves – Place in a zip top sandwich bags grouped in sets of 15.
- Envelopes – Place in a zip top bag grouped by character.
- Cut Yarn – Place each skein in its own zip top bag with the yarn label inside the bag. Please write on the bag or yarn label the length you cut the yarn to.
⭐ Can I ship my packages via FedEx or UPS?
Unfortunately, no. Our P O Boxes can only accept packages shipped using USPS. Please work with your Post Office to find the most cost effective method. Depending on the size of your shipment, it may be Ground or a Flat Rate box.
⭐ What if I want to donate something other than finished wigs?
As we run low on any of particular items, specific requests will be posted on The Magic Yarn Project’s Facebook Page on “What We Need Wednesdays.” Please make sure you are following us on Facebook to see these requests as we share them!
Our organization is still run 100% by unpaid volunteers. We store our received donations in our own homes. Unsolicited in-kind donations will be lovingly passed on to other nonprofits.
⭐ What about my Chapter Leader’s needs?
If you are currently working with a local Chapter Leader, please stay in touch with her by email. You can see our full Chapter List list and their contact information here.
⭐ How do I become an approved Magic Maker?
If you are interested in becoming an approved Magic Maker so you can continue making complete wigs and character beanies at home, you can find out all that you need to know on our Become an Approved Magic Maker page.