Tonight The Magic Yarn Project was honored to be among many caregivers, philanthropists, advocates, and volunteers who are making a difference in how we treat cancer and have been named as “The One Hundred Everyday Amazing”. It was an incredible night that brought great attention to our mission of bringing magic to cancer fighters worldwide through the gift of beautiful, volunteer-made princess yarn wigs. A huge thanks to Massachusetts General Hospital and the whole crew behind putting this incredible event together. ???? ‪#‎theonehundred‬‪ #‎TheMagicYarnProject‬
Watch a short video that highlights 3 Gala honorees! The Magic Yarn Project’s portion begins at 7:50 🙂
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- Rabbi Goldberg, one of the honorees, started a program called “Kids Kicking Cancer”. He teaches martial arts to children and teaches them techniques to help them focus, relax, and breathe through scary and painful medical procedures. Over 85% of these children report less pain and fear with their treatments. What he is doing for these kids is truly amazing.
- Megan nominated us for the honor to become one of the One Hundred Everyday Amazing. Thank you, Megan!
- NFL Offensive Lineman Nate Solder spoke about his and his son’s battles with cancer and has become an advocate for early detection and screening.
- Being represented!
- Liam Fitzgerald “The Fist Bump Kid” was the most precious part of the evening and easily the most popular celebrity of the event. This little cancer survivor uses his time and influence to raise thousand sand thousands of dollars for cancer research.
- The Magic Yarn Project, Boston One Hundred Everyday Amazing Gala fundraiser.